Brace For Impact: Leading Through Crisis

Carrier Management Magazine • July/August 2020 Edition

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In This Issue

Brace For Impact: Leadership in Insurance

Finding Common Ground: Beware Of Always Or Never

Let's start with the normal distribution curve. Have I lost you already? Most of us know the normal distribution curve, also known as a bell curve. It sits on an x/y axis. It starts low, gradually ...

No Events = No Networking?

Arguably, the greatest asset I own after 30 years in the insurance industry is my network. My network was built over decades of engagements. To be clear, all of those engagements were face to face. I ...

Fountains and Drains

You're either a fountain or a drain. Funny thing is, you're not born that way. It's a choice you make each day when you wake up. How do you tell which a person is? Take an inventory of how that ...

'Finding Meaning' Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only caused a tremendous amount of death, but it has also altered society's ability to perform and experience the traditional rituals of dying, which are necessary to ...

Executive Viewpoint

Executive Profile

Leadership Tips

Don't Let Negative Emotions Take Control

The social distancing measures we've adopted in the face of this global pandemic have caused many people to feel increased stress, isolation and loneliness, which not only takes a toll on our mental ...

Risk Alerts

Hurricanes and COVID-19

The 2020 hurricane season will be an active one according to all the major forecasters. Colorado State University said there is a 69 percent chance of a major U.S. landfalling hurricane. The tally ...

Swiss Re's Risk Radar

Swiss Re's annual SONAR report, published in early June, highlights 14 emerging risks that will impact different sectors of the insurance industry in different time frames. The accompanying chart ...

Technology and Analytics

In 2020, InsurTechs Come Down to Earth

InsurTech startups in their first few years have supplied plenty of flash and dazzle, paired with promises to disrupt and transform the insurance industry through radical changes and inventions. In ...

Special Report: Leading When the World Restarts

Creating Certainty: Now and in the Future

Companies don't have a choice about the timing and magnitude of a crisis like COVID-19. What will define a company is the choices leaders make from this point forward. How do we move beyond managing ...

Walls Between Life and Work Come Down

One of my team talked about resilience and courage being key words to describe the way our business has dealt with the new realities of a COVID-19 world. These are words I equate with the men and ...

Pandemic Reinforces Innovation Culture at Root

In many respects, we unintentionally built Root to weather situations like the COVID-19 pandemic. We have always been fueled by our passion for identifying what's not working and rolling up our ...

Leading When the World Restarts: What's Next?

How has the pandemic changed you personally? As a leader? How will it change your company? How should the industry plan to respond to future pandemics? Carrier Management asked carrier, reinsurance ...

Leading Through a Storm With No Clear End

I have heard a number of business leaders across the country discussing the early days of the COVID-19 response and their experience with continuing operations while protecting the health and safety ...

Clarity Critical for Startups in Crisis

Personally, my experience at a startup in 2008 taught me that in times of disaster there is a huge premium on both capital and clarity. The capital you have available may be beyond your control based ...

After COVID: The Road Ahead for Agents

Looking ahead to the days after the COVID-19 crisis, the need for some changes in the independent agency channel becomes clear. The channel needs more—and better—digital capabilities. During the ...

Claims 2020

From the Editor

Reinventing Normal

If you were born just a few years ago, and started to understand the world today, then wearing a mask to go outside wouldn't seem like a very big deal. And the fact that your parents were always ...