Fairness in Insurance

Carrier Management Magazine • Quarter 2 2021 Edition

The second-quarter edition of Carrier Management shines a light on InsurTechs that have the concept of fairness in insurance underwriting and pricing at the heart of their business models. Fairness in hiring is the subject of two articles aimed at company leaders and managers.

In addition, features on financial trends and operations include insights on carrier loss reserve adequacy, the prospect of inflation in 2021, the emergence of embedded insurance, as well as advice for InsurTechs and specialty firms about choosing an operational structure (MGA or carrier) and knowing when to take a growth pause.

In This Issue

Cover Story

Is Loop the Future of Automobile Insurance?

The annual ATECH Conference in Aruba is promoted as, "Where Tech, Innovation, and Creativity Meet to Become the Future." At the 2015 conference, two young tech entrepreneurs, Carey Anne Nadeau and ...

An Alternative View: Crediting Credit Scores

While InsurTechs like Loop and Buckle are trying to reshape the future of insurance without using credit scores to underwrite or price policies, the rest of the industry has yet to embrace the ...

What Buckle Offers Now

Buckle currently works with nine reinsurers across four programs. In February 2020, Buckle began offering its hybrid personal and commercial auto insurance product to Lyft drivers in Georgia, ...

Creating the USAA for the Gig Economy: Buckle CEO

"Legitimizing the Shared Economy." The phrase, with a trademark symbol at the end of it, is the first thing visitors see on the "About Us" page of InsurTech Buckle's website. On another website page, ...

Executive Viewpoint

An Embedded Insurance Future

Insurance can be a tough sell. It's convoluted, related to a future risk that's hard to imagine, expensive and seemingly needless. And on top of that, general public sentiment tells us consumers are ...

Leadership and Management

10 Phrases Confident Leaders Use

Communication is a key leadership skill. To lead others effectively, excellent communication is paramount. It not only delivers tasks but provides the motivation and confidence that teams and ...

How Carriers Can Fix Their Hiring Processes

Are you struggling to find and retain top performers? Are your employee engagement and productivity rates not as high as you'd like? Are you concerned that you're not attracting enough diversity ...

Risk Alerts

Operations and Finance

Technology and Analytics

From the Editor

Do Reinsurers Rule the Industry?

"If you're an insurer today, and you're really good at underwriting, you should evolve into being a reinsurer and jettison out other assets." The words of advice from InsurTech Co-Founder Marty Young ...