Is Loop the Future of Automobile Insurance?
The annual ATECH Conference in Aruba is promoted as, "Where Tech, Innovation, and Creativity Meet to Become the Future." At the 2015 conference, two young tech entrepreneurs, Carey Anne Nadeau and ...
The second-quarter edition of Carrier Management shines a light on InsurTechs that have the concept of fairness in insurance underwriting and pricing at the heart of their business models. Fairness in hiring is the subject of two articles aimed at company leaders and managers.
In addition, features on financial trends and operations include insights on carrier loss reserve adequacy, the prospect of inflation in 2021, the emergence of embedded insurance, as well as advice for InsurTechs and specialty firms about choosing an operational structure (MGA or carrier) and knowing when to take a growth pause.
The annual ATECH Conference in Aruba is promoted as, "Where Tech, Innovation, and Creativity Meet to Become the Future." At the 2015 conference, two young tech entrepreneurs, Carey Anne Nadeau and ...
While InsurTechs like Loop and Buckle are trying to reshape the future of insurance without using credit scores to underwrite or price policies, the rest of the industry has yet to embrace the ...
Buckle currently works with nine reinsurers across four programs. In February 2020, Buckle began offering its hybrid personal and commercial auto insurance product to Lyft drivers in Georgia, ...
"Legitimizing the Shared Economy." The phrase, with a trademark symbol at the end of it, is the first thing visitors see on the "About Us" page of InsurTech Buckle's website. On another website page, ...
It takes a one-two punch to make insurance fair. I've previously argued that AI can vanquish bias in insurance, and so it can. But while machine learning can help ensure equality, it cannot ensure ...
If the National Association of Insurance Commissioners doesn't act this year to correct systemic racial bias in insurance ratemaking and other processes, Congress may pass anti-discrimination laws ...
Insurance can be a tough sell. It's convoluted, related to a future risk that's hard to imagine, expensive and seemingly needless. And on top of that, general public sentiment tells us consumers are ...
• In consumer retail, Amazon is a prime example—pardon the pun—of a global e-commerce leader that has been distributing warranties in the U.S. and Europe for 15 years. Lately, the behemoth has ...
If COVID-19 has taught us any important business-related lesson in 2020, it is the importance of being agile. More than a mere business practice, this agile philosophy of quickly adapting to ...
When business leaders try to build a customer-centric culture, they often overlook a key issue that can doom the whole effort: Many employees don't think they have a customer. Sure, the customer is ...
Communication is a key leadership skill. To lead others effectively, excellent communication is paramount. It not only delivers tasks but provides the motivation and confidence that teams and ...
Can you believe it? We're into year two of the most surreal, pandemonius experience of our lives. At least now there's anticipation that we are almost out of the woods—and understanding that ...
Are you struggling to find and retain top performers? Are your employee engagement and productivity rates not as high as you'd like? Are you concerned that you're not attracting enough diversity ...
In the rapidly evolving business climate, diverse teams with a variety of skills and perspectives are crucial for success. As insurers focus on enhancing their diversity, equity and inclusion ...
Managing too much can make your team feel untrusted, hinder their growth and cause them to disengage. Managing too little can leave them floundering, unsure of what's expected of them, and could make ...
The fact pattern is familiar. Drug companies market a legal and regulated drug, resulting in significant overprescription of that drug. Over time, a public health crisis emerges and annual deaths ...
Even the most vigilant insurers and reinsurers scanning the risk landscape for potential future liability problems are likely to fall into landmines. What insurance risks or the immediate or near ...
In the wake of current events, industries and economies worldwide are scrutinized daily. How have they weathered the pandemic? Who is best positioned in the aftermath? What lessons have been learned ...
Over the last decade, as insurers and reinsurers have sought profitable opportunities for growth, they increasingly have handed the underwriting pen to managing general agents, managing general ...
When you are in the early stages of starting your company, your one focus is to get things rolling. To do that, you prioritize: raising capital, getting your Certificate of Authority, obtaining ...
According to our analysis of loss reserves published in mid-March, the year 2020 marked the 15th straight year that the U.S. property/casualty industry's loss reserves developed favorably—by about ...
Inflation, defined as the rate at which prices for goods and services are increasing, tends to occur when prices rise due to increases in production costs or when the demand for a product exceeds its ...
As money began to flow into InsurTechs back in 2014 and 2015, these companies essentially fell into two categories: You were either a provider of technology to insurance companies or a distributor of ...
Carrier vs. MGA. U.S. vs EU. Specialty niche vs. traditional insurance lines. There are many things that distinguish one InsurTech from the next, including financial metrics like internal rates of ...
"If you're an insurer today, and you're really good at underwriting, you should evolve into being a reinsurer and jettison out other assets." The words of advice from InsurTech Co-Founder Marty Young ...