How P/C Carriers Are Winning The Talent War

Carrier Management Magazine • March/April 2020 Edition

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In This Issue

Talent Management 2020: Company Profiles

Family Culture, Community Focus Set FCCI Apart

Amid scores of online reviews that give FCCI Insurance Group high marks for culture, employee engagement and work-life balance, there are a few that give a thumbs-down for one missing benefit: the ...

PURE Group: Seeing the Whole Person

If someone from PURE Group decides to leave the high-net-worth insurer to pursue a career as a race car driver or an avalanche rescuer, the carrier's leaders wouldn't be devastated. "We might have a ...

Leader Sets the Tone at Acuity Insurance

Joan Ravanelli-Miller wasn't always as happy to work at Acuity Insurance as she is today. In fact, the general counsel and vice president of Human Resources remembers a time when morale was low at ...

Executive Viewpoint

InsurTech Ecosystem: Value Beyond Technologies

In recent years, we've seen significant investments flow into the InsurTech ecosystem, creating thousands of new technology tools. Yet it's this same volume that's leaving many carriers overwhelmed ...

Executive Profile

Leadership Challenges

Say 'No' to Shiny Objects

In their quest to stay ahead of the curve, business leaders might instead be throwing their employees a curve ball. Today's business world prizes innovation. Companies don't want to be left behind, ...

Executive Snapshot

Talent Management 2020

The Insurance Jobs of the Future

No one should be surprised that an industry as data-driven and processing-heavy as insurance is in the grip of an earthshaking workforce transformation. As wide-ranging automated technologies assume ...

Technology and Analytics

For InsurTech Startup Kin, No App Is Necessary

Both old-fashion carriers and InsurTech startups alike are increasingly turning to apps in order to engage their customers. Sean Harper is going the opposite direction for Kin, the MGA and insurance ...

PURE Principles and Employee Traits

PURE Group explains its principles and purpose on its website as follows: Purpose: We are dedicated to making our members smarter, safer and more resilient so they can pursue their passions with ...

How Not to Innovate

Acuity Insurance CEO Ben Salzmann has a theory about making innovation happen—and it doesn't involve hiring geniuses who dream up new ideas independently. "You could take Albert Einstein and Thomas ...

Dummies Lead Challenging Lives

Crash test dummies at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety have their own home. They "live" in what is known as the "dummy calibration room," a bright industrial space containing whole ...

Nap Pods at Pinnacol; Learning for All

In addition to being flexible about how much time employees take off from work and about whether they work on-site or remotely, Pinnacol Assurance also lets employees sleep on the job. Not ...