Does Lemonade have shlimazels for customers?

Is slower second-quarter growth at Root an indicator that the carrier is deliberately focusing on profitability?

Do Ajit Jain and Rob Berkley know something that that the newbie InsurTech carriers don’t?

Is growth first really the right answer?

Will InsurTechs Metromile, Root and Lemonade make it to the top of the Cliffs of Insanity before running out of power?

InsurTech watchers Matteo Carbone and Adrian Jones ask these questions—and more—in the accompanying article, “‘He’s Gaining on Us?’ An ‘Inconceivable’ Quarter of InsurTech Carrier Financials,” inviting feedback from readers.

To help you decide on the answers, they offer these detailed reports on the statutory financial results of all three.

The authors are attending the Rendez-Vous de Septembre in Monte Carlo and InsureTech Connect in October. Catch up with them there to share your views. They also welcome comments on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Matteo Carbone and Adrian Jones are also the guest editors for the upcoming November/December edition of the Carrier Management print magazine—contributing ideas and content for the “Strategy and Innovation” section of the publication.

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