Allstate’s Telematics Strategy: Responding to Evolving Customer Needs
When consumers decide what to buy, they want companies to treat them as individuals: "Do you know my unique needs?" and "Will you be there for me when I need you?"
The world is progressively witnessing heightened interconnectedness. Sensors present in physical objects capture data and link to digital communication networks. The data ... In our ever more interconnected world—from vehicles to manufacturers to health care to the power grid—solutions to avoid risk are becoming more common. Telematics insurance has traversed more than two decades, cycling through phases of curiosity, dedication and subsequent disappointment. Only recently has the U.S. auto ... When looking at the impact of telematics capabilities on insurance activities, we see the emergence of the transformative potential of this InsurTech innovation. Bottom-line impact from technology investments starts at the top for property insurers. At HSB and the IoT Observatory, we believe that ... Over the past several years, the property/casualty insurance industry's use of Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly accelerated. Beyond auto telematics, P/C ... A century-old insurer is evolving to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams in an increasingly hyperconnected ...
Repeat, Repeat and Repeat Again: How The Hartford Embeds IoT Capabilities in Commercial Insurance Businesses
Real-Time Data and Mitigation: How Tokio Marine Is Changing Risky Behaviors
Nationwide Insurance: Using a Decade of Learnings to Create Next-Generation Telematics Solutions
The Transformative Potential of Telematics Innovation: Personal Auto
The Bottom Line: Why Property Insurers Need to Move Past IoT Exploration to Strategy Integration
Creating the Tipping Point for Insurance IoT: How HSB and Its Partners Are Creating a Playbook for the Future
The State Farm Vision: Ecosystem Capabilities for the Insurer of the Future
Telematics Has Kept the Promise: Allstate’s Journey Continues
Telematics has been on personal insurers' radar for many years, and it has recently reached a tipping point. Nowadays, it is recognized as a necessary capability for the future success of any auto ...
The Journey to Build the Auto Insurer of the Future
FROM THE ARCHIVES: A VINTAGE CARRIER MANAGEMENT ARTICLE FROM 2021 Allstate is a leader in adopting telematics, according to IoT Insurance Observatory data indicating that the company has over 2 ...