Election Year Geopolitical Risks

Carrier Management Magazine • Quarter 3 2024 Edition

“The U.S. is more polarized than ever before.”

That’s how one underwriter of political violence coverage described the risk landscape, even before a shooting incident that took place at a Butler, Pa. rally for former President Donald Trump’s 2024 election campaign.

In fact, it’s a historical election year around the world. In this edition, we examine how insurers and reinsurers are preparing for violence tied to elections and ongoing global unrest generally, rethinking coverage in risk areas such as strikes, riots and civil commotion, war, and cyber for the cover story, utilizing new modeling tools to calculate their probable maximum losses and leading polarized workforces.

In This Issue

Cover Story: Election Year Geopolitical Risks


Judgment Day

In May 2022, a judge at the U.S. District Court in Texas ruled that IBM had breached a 2015 licensing agreement signed with a competitor, BMC Software Inc., awarding BMC ...


Underestimated Risks: Why and What to Do

Organizations are faced with a complex mix of risks, regulations, external issues and technological advancements. Aligning strategy, operations, people, processes and ...

Executive Profile

How to Innovate in Homeowners Insurance

When the chief executive officer of Plymouth Rock Home Assurance spoke to Carrier Management in mid-July, it just happened to be on a day that online shoppers of books, ...


P/C Insurer CFO Viewpoints on PFAS

PFAS was a hot topic at the recent Casualty Actuarial Society Seminar on Reinsurance in June. But at a separate meeting held around the same time—the S&P Global ...

More PFAS Numbers: How Much Will It Cost?

A $165 billion high-range estimate of losses from PFAS litigation isn't the only number about cost burdens that casualty actuaries heard at the CAS Seminar on Reinsurance ...

Leadership and Management

Middle Manager Is the Middle Child

The middle child breaks up fights, mediates disputes, and smooths the differences between older and younger siblings. They carry the weight of family responsibilities and ...

Insurance Middle Managers Speak Out

Often forgotten and overlooked when business is humming, the middle manager is typically the first to go when companies, including P/C insurers, decide to downsize. In a related article, "Middle ...

Managing Your Team in a Polarized World

The U.S. is in the midst of a contentious campaign season, as former President Donald Trump faces off against Vice President Kamala Harris. Each side has named the other ...

How We're Doing It

Technology and Automation

The Future of Reserving Is…Complicated

Reserving is, on the face of it, one of the simpler elements of actuarial science (once companies get past the nuances of triangular data tables). They look at the way ...

From the Editor