Leading the AI-Powered Insurer

Carrier Management Magazine • Quarter 1 2024 Edition

In his role as Insurance Industry Advisor for SAS Institute, Inc., Michael (Fitz) Fitzgerald regularly addresses questions from property/casualty insurance leaders of at all levels about how their companies should be preparing for an AI future. In this edition, Fitzgerald takes on the role of guest editor, providing insights from leaders ranging from middle management executives all the way up to the C-suite and boardroom about data governance, insurance regulation, enterprise risk management, talent management, boardroom composition and more.

In This Issue

Cover Story: Leading the AI-Powered Insurer

NAIC's AI Model Bulletin in Brief

Introducing the idea that regulators encourage the use of innovation and AI Systems while recognizing that such systems present unique risks, such as the "potential for ...

Chief Risk Officers Take on Gen AI

When Generative AI burst onto the scene at the end of 2022, users gushed about the automatic content creation, greater productivity, and some funny or disturbing ...

AI Leadership at All Levels

"I've seen a good amount of coverage on implementing AI. But what I haven't seen a lot about is leading" AI programs.

Meet Your New Employee: Advanced AI

Much of the discussion around how to manage the advanced forms of artificial intelligence—machine learning, generative AI, large language models—deals with them only as technologies. This is a ...

What's in New York's Latest AI Circular?

A month-and-a-half after the NAIC adopted a model bulletin on carriers' use of Artificial Intelligence Systems, the New York Department of Financial Services issued a ...

MGU-Carrier Relationships and AI

The NAIC's model bulletin on carriers' use of Artificial Intelligence Systems, adopted in December 2023, specifically sets out expectations that insurers will describe ...

Meet Bob, Cover Whale's AI Employee

At Cover Whale, an InsurTech for commercial trucking insurance, an employee named Bob on the artificial intelligence team is actually an AI-powered chatbot.

Executive Viewpoint


Leadership and Management


Technology and Automation

VC Viewpoint

Risks and Opportunities

Risk Alerts

From the Editor

Training AI and Humans

When CM's guest editor contributed an article last year suggesting that industry talent and technology officers should team up to build company-specific HR programs for ...