In a year where news about COVID-19 dominated the headlines, Carrier Management published feature content in line with its mission to deliver both leadership and insurance themes to today’s industry executives and those preparing for future leadership roles.

The slideshow below highlights our editor’s picks—a compilation of some of the unique content that we were proud to publish in 2020. (Click mouse over image to pause slideshow. Links to articles below slideshow)

Link to the articles here:

  1. AI Insurance: Who Is Insuring the Algorithms?
  2. Lemonade Aftertaste: Will Reinsurers Keep Covering Unprofitable InsurTechs?
  3. Finding Common Ground: Beware Of Always Or Never
  4. Dearly Departed InsurTechs: Expect Their Numbers to Rise
  5. Talent Magnets: Carriers That Employees Love to Work For
  6. Nuclear Verdicts: What P/C Carriers Need to Know
  7. What Executives Need to Know About Predictive Analytics in 2020
  8. 10 Productivity Pitfalls Your Business Should Avoid
  9. Rise and (Help Others) Shine
  10. Building an Inclusive Workplace Takes More Than Lip Service

Included in our Editor’s Picks are 10 features that dealt with understanding and coping with COVID’s impacts on the industry and its leaders. (Slideshow continues below links)

  1. A Time to Shine: How Insurance CROs Stepped Up to COVID Challenges
  2. Psychic Leadership: Why We Need It During This Crisis
  3. Managing Remote Workers
  4. COVID-19: On Disrupted Loss Reserve Diagonals and Lengthening Tails
  5. How Silence May Impact Commercial Insurers on COVID Cover
  6. The Risk of ‘Take-Home’ COVID-19 and the ‘Next Asbestos’
  7. What ‘Follow the Fortunes’ Means for COVID-19 Reinsurance Claims
  8. Leading When the World Restarts: What’s Next?
  9. Demand Soars for Parametric Insurance to Cover Pandemic Business Interruptions
  10. Diverging Views: Is COVID a One-Off Cat or Not?

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