Verisk has formed an advisory council to help organizations better understand the impacts of climate change and inform their resilience and sustainability efforts. The Verisk Climate Advisory Council will provide strategic guidance and feedback on climate change solutions Verisk is developing, such as the climate conditioning of the company’s extreme event models, and present research regarding the evolving state of climate change.

The Verisk Climate Advisory Council is currently comprised of the following climate experts:

  • Dr. Cindy Bruyère is the director for the Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes (C3WE) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). She was the 2020-2021 Scientific and Engineering leadership fellow for the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and she is a research fellow at the North-West University, South Africa. Her research focuses on the impact of weather and climate extremes.
  • Dr. Henk Dijkstra is a professor of dynamical oceanography at the Institute for Marine and
    Atmospheric Research Utrecht and the director of the Centre for Complex Systems Studies at Utrecht University. His research focuses on understanding the physics of the large-scale ocean circulation and the role of the ocean in the climate system. He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and, in 2005, he received the Lewis Fry Richardson medal from the European Geosciences Union.
  • Dr. Kenneth E. Kunkel is a research professor of atmospheric sciences at North Carolina State University and lead scientist for assessments with the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. His research has focused on climate variability and change, particularly related to extreme weather and climate events. He is an author of several chapters of the Third and Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessments. He is a fellow of the American Meteorological Society.
  • Dr. Park Williams is an associate professor in the Department of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Park is a hydroclimatologist whose research aims to understand the causes and consequences of hydrological extremes such as drought.

“At Verisk, we have long engaged with leading scientists and engineers, often alongside customers, to ensure the solutions we create reflect the latest science, freshest perspectives and cutting-edge technologies,” said Mark Anquillare, COO and group president, Verisk, in a statement. “Clients across a wide range of industries that need to understand and manage risk from weather, climate and environmental perils rely on Verisk for analytic insights and science-based solutions to help assess and mitigate the complex risks associated with a changing climate. We’re fortunate to have the benefit of the council members’ expertise to support this important work.”