The Insuretech Connect Conference scheduled to open today in Las Vegas at Caesar’s Palace will still be held as planned in the wake of the mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip, according to the organizers.

“Last night, Las Vegas was the scene to an active shooter situation focused on those attending an open air concert. It is sad, scary, and has led a number of people to wonder if ITC would still take place,” conference founders Jay Weintraub and Caribous Honig wrote in a message to registrants this morning.

“While the mood is somber and our hearts go out to the victims of this senseless tragedy, the people of Las Vegas are united in strength and resilience. Las Vegas airport has reopened as have the streets and the hotels. Our venue remains open, and we expect no change in the schedule of events,” they said.

In a follow-up tweet, they said they “do not expect any major disruptions” to the conference as a result of the tragedy.

The conference is expected to draw 3,500 insurance professionals, insurtech entrepreneurs and investors to panels, meetings, networking opportunities and product announcements. It runs through Wednesday.

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