Unite and Conquer: Industry Battles Social Inflation

Carrier Management Magazine • Quarter 4 2024 Edition

External fixes like tort reform and third-party litigation funding disclosures are some often-cited methods for reining in escalating jury verdicts and settlement values that continue to worry liability claims professionals and insurance industry executives. But Carrier Management asked several executives to look inward instead—at adversarial claims handling tactics in place now that some say are working to inflate social inflation—and to identify industry best practices that will stem the tide of rising claims severity.

In This Issue

Cover Story: Insurers and Social Inflation

Having It Both Ways

Over the past four decades, Robert "Bob" Hartwig has championed the critical role the insurance industry plays in the nation's economy. So, when the former Chief Economist and President of the ...

Executive Viewpoint



Leadership and Management

Risk Alerts

Editor's Viewpoint


From the Editor

The End. And the Beginning

I think I know how Joe Biden felt when he was forced to accept the fate that he shouldn't run for re-election after a long career in public service, and after putting his ...