In this series of videos and print and online articles last year, Carrier Management took a deep dive into geospatial technology and its applications in property/casualty insurance.

The package of content, developed by Guest Editor Michael Fitzgerald, was recognized by the American Society of Business Publication Editors with a National Azbee Award of Excellence for Overall Multi-Platform Package of the Year.

For insurers, the new world opened up by geospatial information systems (GIS) may seem daunting, with firms specializing in satellite and aerial imagery data collection, insurance-specific turnkey apps, and geospatial data analysis tools all proliferating.

The series discusses ways in which insurers can use information satellite and aerial imagery including: automating property inspections; enhancing flood maps; tracking supply chain risks and marine transportation backlogs; developing parametric insurance products; and improving catastrophe responses.

The variety of participants taking part in Carrier Management’s Roundtable on Geospatial Information Systems—including an analyst, a commercial insurance pricing specialist, a scientist, a managing general agent and a reinsurer—illustrate the degree of coordination that the industry will need to make the best use of GIS information.

“I really do view this as the next big thing—on the order of the Internet, on the order of mobile phones,” said Fitzgerald, who organized the series and assembled the experts from all corners of the P/C insurance industry.

Other participants were:

  • Giacomo Favaron, Senior Specialist, Insurance Pricing, AXA XL
  • James Rendell, Chief Executive Officer, BirdsEyeView Technologies Ltd.
  • Pranav Pasricha, Global Head P&C Solutions, Swiss Re
  • Bessie Schwarz, CEO and Co-Founder, Cloud to Street
  • Ryan Bank, Managing Director, Geospatial Insurance Consortium

Links to the videos included in the package are listed below:



Geospatial Insurance Consortium:

Roundtable Excerpts:

The rest of today’s newsletter features the articles published as part of the package.

The following editors, designers and video producers were also recognized by the American Society of Business Publication Editors for their participation in this project: Susanne Sclafane, Executive Editor; Bobbie Dodge, VP New Media; Guy Boccia, VP Design; Kimberly Tallon, Assistant Editor; Ashley Waldrop, Associate Video Producer.

Carrier Management’s sister publication, Insurance Journal, was also an Azbee National Gold Winner for the webinar, Cyber Insurance: Is This the Beginning, Middle or End?

Topics Property Casualty