The Value of a Handwritten Note

Do you remember the last handwritten note you received? Even more, do you remember the last handwritten note you sent? With our technologically enhanced communications, it is just so convenient to ...

10 Phrases Confident Leaders Use

Communication is a key leadership skill. To lead others effectively, excellent communication is paramount. It not only delivers tasks but provides the motivation and confidence that teams and ...

Leadership Tips: De-Stress and Recharge

Don't let a stressful interaction ruin the rest of your day. Here are some strategies to help you recharge and recover. Focus on your breathing. Just taking 10 seconds to focus on the rise and fall ...

Managing Yourself: 7 Tips for Fighting Burnout

Work can take over our lives if we let it, upping our stress levels and causing us to burn out while also taking a toll on our personal relationships. Setting firm boundaries, practicing ...