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Even though direct loss ratios for commercial auto and other liability lines rose in first-quarter 2024, across all lines U.S. property/casualty insurers posted a net combined ratio of 94—the best ...
In spite of premium increases that primary insurance carriers will record for 2023, the U.S. property/casualty industry as a whole won't report an underwriting profit or a double-digit return for the ...
Property/casualty insurers have proven resilient in the last two years amid the considerable challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. One unanticipated outcome in this period is sharp improvement in ...
U.S. property/casualty insurers represent a source of stability amid the recent tumult of socioeconomic disruption from the coronavirus pandemic. The industry strengthened its capital base and ...
U.S. property/casualty insurers have benefited from significant increases in commercial premium rates for nearly three years. However, recent industry statutory underwriting performance improvement ...
The trailing impacts of premium and loss trends on the books of property/casualty reinsurers makes the 2022 outlook for reinsurers rosier than the profit outlook for primary insurers, a Fitch Rating ...
Given that business-as-usual is unlikely to return soon due to the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. property/casualty insurers will continue to face challenges related to virus-related insurance losses and ...
Property/casualty insurance carrier executives are challenged to predict the likely state of the market as they shape go-forward strategies for their companies. While 2020 may be a bit off course, ...
While the property/casualty insurance industry has reported three consecutive years of significant underwriting profits, the commercial auto market as a whole reported an underwriting loss for the ...
The Chubb Corporation continued to report the best direct loss ratio for U.S. directors and officers liability insurance last year, according to a report released by Fitch Ratings last week. But ...
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