A successful leader knows how to communicate clearly to enable his or her team to get the job done.

That’s one of several core competencies identified in the Center for Creative Leadership’s survey of nearly 1,000 leaders about what skills help them succeed. It is highlighted in the organization’s recent blog posting.

Communicating clearly may seem like an obvious thing to some, but it is not necessarily intuitive. Still, the skill is necessary because expressing ideas clearly through successful language helps build common understanding about an executive’s goals and mission, the posting notes.

That whole focus on communicating clearly connects to another leadership competency: The ability to execute ideas and get results. According to the blog posting, executives can achieve this by aligning resources to accomplish key objectives, and it also creates “clear accountability for important objectives.” Clear communication works here, too.

The full posting is entitled “The 5 Most Important Competencies for Function Leaders,” and readers can access the other survey findings by clicking here.

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