Starr Companies now offers commercial auto coverage for aviation insured. Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty and California-based software Zeguro are teaming to help small businesses protect themselves against cyber attacks.


Starr Companies has begun offering commercial auto coverage for aviation insureds.

Auto coverage is available on an ‘any auto’ basis for fleets owned by companies in the aviation industry, when purchased with other insurance coverages.

Aviation operations include, but are not limited to: fixed base operators, MRO shops, aircraft operators – fixed and rotor wing fleets, airports and flight schools.

Starr said the auto coverage for aviation insureds is in addition to hull and liability, aviation product liability, airport liability and workers compensation coverages.


Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty is teaming with Zeguro, a Sillicon Valley-based software company, to help small businesses protect themselves against cyber attacks.

The collaboration calls for Zeguro to serve as a virtual Chief Information Security Office for small businesses-owners who purchase Allianz’s cyber insurance coverage to better manage their cyber exposure and reduce the risk of financial loss after a cyber attack.

By using Zeguro’s risk management platform, AGCS clients get complete control and oversight over their digital environment, via a modem and simple interface that guides them through areas of concern. It also trains the clients’ employees on best practices.

The idea is that clients, in using the Zeguro platform, no longer face the extra hassle and time needed to continually manage cyber risks connected to business technology, people and processes.

Allianz and Zeguro are making the benefit available at first to just U.S. clients.

Sources: Starr Companies, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

Topics Cyber Auto Excess Surplus New Markets Aviation Allianz