If your company had to select a chief executive officer successor within the next six months, would that person be someone almost exactly like the current CEO?

Is your company developing internal candidates as part of its succession plan?

What are some of the other factors in your plan and how well do your plans stack up against other property/casualty insurance carriers?

These are some of the questions that Carrier Management is seeking to answer by teaming up with The Jacobson Group to conduct a second survey on CEO succession planning targeted to P/C insurance carrier leaders and board members . (Results of the first survey, conducted in late 2014, are available for purchase here.)

The survey process is already underway. If you are a CEO, a board member or the leader of the human resources function for a P/C insurance company and you would like to participate, click this link: Succession Planning Survey. Please Note: The deadline is Oct. 4, 2016. (Editor’s note: Deadline now extended until Friday Oct. 7)

Results from this latest survey will be published in an upcoming issue of Carrier Management, providing our readers with valuable information on transitioning from one leader to the next.

Participants will receive an email with analysis of the aggregate survey data before the results are officially published in Carrier Management. All individual replies are confidential.

About Carrier Management

Carrier Management, a publication of Wells Media Group, serves the news and information needs of property/casualty insurance company boards of directors and C-suite officers with articles authored by their industry peers, external consultants, researchers, analysts, members of the academic community and other business thought-leaders, in addition to veteran insurance industry journalists.

About The Jacobson Group

The Jacobson Group is a leading global provider of insurance talent. For more than 40 years, we have been connecting insurance organizations with professionals from the boardroom to the back room on both a permanent and temporary basis.

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