A veteran of the U.S. Department of Treasury will be the American Insurance Association’s new chief counsel for federal affairs.

The AIA disclosed this week that Amanda Greenwold Wise has been named the Washington D.C. trade group’s next vice president and chief counsel for federal affairs. She’ll take on the position June 9.

She brings plenty of relevant experience. As the AIA noted, Wise was senior counsel for the Department of Treasury’s Office of the General Counsel, Banking and Finance from 2000 to 2012. While there, she helped shape legal and policy positions, and was involved in drafting the insurance portions of the Dodd-Frank Act. She also helped shape the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, or TRIA, which provides federal reinsurance coverage after a terrorist attack and is now up for its third renewal.

Over the last two years, she worked in private practice as an attorney with Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, and advised clients dealing with the Federal Reserve, Congress and a number of government agencies, the AIA said in its personnel announcement.

AIA President and CEO Leigh Ann Pusey said in a statement that Wise’s experience makes her “uniquely suited” to advise members on the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act and other related issues.

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