How We’re Doing It

How an Iowa Mutual Insurer Recovered From Financial Storms
When Iowa mutual GuideOne Insurance began assessing ways to add an infusion of capital to strengthen its balance sheet, the company went to the usual places a mutual of ...

Patents for Sale? State Farm Reveals Website of Inventions
State Farm announced that it has launched a new website to showcase some of its patented technology, and making it available for licensing, purchase or collaboration opportunities. "State Farm is ...
How Underwriters Win Business With Data and ML at AXA XL
Imagine being able to tell a broker prior to a submission, "I can take this account in my underwriting portfolio," instead of giving a broad appetite listing for the ...

Ground Up or Top Down? Tips on Building a Data-Driven Insurer
When Matt O'Malley and Steve Stabilito, underwriting leaders from AXA XL, described a ground-up process for transforming their teams into data-driven businesses recently, ...

Repeat, Repeat and Repeat Again: How The Hartford Embeds IoT Capabilities in Commercial Insurance Businesses
The world is progressively witnessing heightened interconnectedness. Sensors present in physical objects capture data and link to digital communication networks. The data ...

Real-Time Data and Mitigation: How Tokio Marine Is Changing Risky Behaviors
In our ever more interconnected world—from vehicles to manufacturers to health care to the power grid—solutions to avoid risk are becoming more common.
Telematics insurance has traversed more than two decades, cycling through phases of curiosity, dedication and subsequent disappointment. Only recently has the U.S. auto ... When looking at the impact of telematics capabilities on insurance activities, we see the emergence of the transformative potential of this InsurTech innovation. Over the past several years, the property/casualty insurance industry's use of Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly accelerated. Beyond auto telematics, P/C ...
Nationwide Insurance: Using a Decade of Learnings to Create Next-Generation Telematics Solutions
The Transformative Potential of Telematics Innovation: Personal Auto
Creating the Tipping Point for Insurance IoT: How HSB and Its Partners Are Creating a Playbook for the Future