Keagan HensonBriteBee

Executive Interview - 7 of 15

This article is part of a series of interviews with InsurTech Executives involved in the distribution of property/casualty insurance about their missions, how they are changing the industry, and the implications for carriers.

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As the insurance quoting experience becomes more of a digital experience for consumers in the next five years, agents will have a very important role in that digital space, predicts Keagan Henson, CEO and Co-Founder, BriteBee.

Because the commercial landscape is complex, “the agent will not disappear but will have to navigate the digital space differently and creatively,” he said, representing one of Carrier Management’s InsurTechs to Watch involved in insurance distribution.

Here, he explains the role of BriteBee, a digital directory and marketing platform with specially designed tools and technology to help insurance agents increase their online exposure so that they can be found more easily in qualified search.

Keagan Henson, CEO and Co-Founder, BriteBee

“BriteBee helps insurance agents increase their digital exposure online and in search….We are empowering a traditional agent model and bringing this model into the digital space.”

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1. Describe your company and its mission. What does the company do?

Keagan Henson, CEO and Co-Founder, BriteBee: BriteBee is a digital marketing platform for insurance agents, connecting qualified consumer search with agents and carriers to write more insurance online.

We help agents “bee” found by the products they offer, niche markets they serve, and carriers they represent.

2. Who does your technology serve? (Agents and brokers only; Agents, brokers and carriers; customers directly, etc.)

Henson (BriteBee): We serve insurance agencies and the agents underneath them.

3. Who pays for the technology you offer? Is the cost considered commission income or a service fee?

Henson (BriteBee): Insurance agencies pay a subscription fee to be a part of our platform per location.

4. Are you disrupting (replacing) or empowering traditional distribution?

Henson (BriteBee): We are empowering a traditional agent model and bringing this model into the digital space. Insurance agents will have the opportunity to be found more online and write more policies through BriteBee’s platform.

5. What should P/C insurance carriers know about you?

Henson (BriteBee): We are working to integrate carrier’s API to give agents the opportunity to win more consumers while providing a quoting and binding experience for the consumer.

6. Bonus Question: What does the future of commercial insurance distribution look like?

Henson (BriteBee): In the next five years we foresee the quoting experience will move towards a more digital experience for the consumer. Agents will have a very important role in the digital space due to the complexity of the commercial landscape. The agent will not disappear, but will have to navigate the digital space differently and creatively.

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