After a 36-year career advancing the risk management profession, RIMS CEO Mary Roth has announced she plans to retire following the RIMS 2022 Annual Conference & Exhibition that is scheduled for next April. She has been chief executive officer of the risk management organization for 17 years.
The exact date of her retirement will depend on when RIMS has a successor in place and a transition is complete. RIMS said its board of directors and a search committee will work with Russell Reynolds Associates, an executive search firms, to find RIMS next leader.

“As RIMS CEO for the last 17 years, Mary and her team have helped create a path for risk management’s evolution, providing my fellow risk practitioners and me with the power to impact organizational strategies, set professional goals and achieve them,” said RIMS 2021 President Ellen Dunkin.
In a letter to RIMS membership, Roth called her decision a “heart-wrenching” one in part because she has made lifelong friendships at RIMS. “Together, we have scaled the toughest challenges, achieved great success and built a professional community that genuinely cares about becoming better, and more importantly, about lifting each other up,” Roth wrote.
Roth joined RIMS in 1985. Since that time, she has served as assistant director of Research and director of Membership and Chapter Services. In 1999, she was appointed deputy executive director, in which she played a key role in managing RIMS headquarters and staff activities including budget development and business strategy. In July 2004, she was named chief operating officer. And, in October 2004, she was selected to serve as its chief executive officer.
Source: RIMS