Over the last four years, Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg has railed against U.S. President Donald Trump’s actions and his administration’s policies.

Jan. 6 was no different.

Evan Greenberg/Chubb

After a Trump rally spurred a riot that disrupted congressional certification of the presidential election results, Greenberg condemned the violence and false claims of election fraud.

“As citizens of our great nation, all of us have a responsibility to speak out against and condemn in the strongest terms the violence and display of demagoguery we witnessed in our nation’s capital yesterday. This is not who we are as a nation and our democracy must be protected,” Greenberg said in a Jan. 7 statement issued by Chubb. “Whether one likes the results of our election or not, the citizens of our country have spoken.”

Greenberg reiterated that the U.S. presidential election “was fair and lawful” and that citizens expect “elected leaders from both parties to set an example by their respect and active support for the orderly transfer of power and their condemnation of false claims of election fraud.”

Greenberg said that congressional action after the riot and disruption to finally confirm electoral results “was a powerful affirmation” of the country’s democracy.

“We should all hope for a new era of respect and decency as we meet the many common challenges facing our nation,” Greenberg said.

In April 2019, Greenberg railed against Trump’s restrictive immigration policy, calling for one instead that promoted security but also welcomed those who pursue freedom and opportunity. In April 2018, Greenberg voiced dissatisfaction about the “America First” direction of the United States spearheaded by Trump, asserting it was causing damage to U.S. trade and politics.

In February 2017 – a month after Trump’s inauguration – Greenberg blasted the Trump administration’s initial attempt to restrict immigration, calling the action a “mistake.” He also criticized the nationalist and protectionist sentiment that Trump helped propel before and after his election.

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