A companywide culture of health and wellness will increase productivity, reduce wasteful costs and help employers retain valuable talent. But simply providing activity trackers and requiring annual screenings is not the answer, says a recent article from HR People + Strategy.

Instead, companies need to create targeted wellness programs, take a holistic view and enable employees to track all of their health data through a single platform.

Employers must be aware of workplace health trends such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, so they can focus their wellness programs on the specific needs of their workforce. With those trends in mind, employers should develop long-term goals and identify small, sustainable behavioral changes that can lead to much larger improvements down the road.

Tracking health data such as the number of steps walked per day or the results of an annual physical provides only a surface-level look into an employee’s health and wellness. Taking a holistic view of employee health—including physical, mental and emotional health; financial well-being; and the health and wellness of family members—allows employers to provide tools that can help employees lead healthier, more productive lives.

Enabling employees to track, store and manage their entire family’s healthcare—from any device and at any time of day—not only reveals health trends but also motivates by allowing employees to see the results of their habits and behaviors. Utilize a single-platform wellness program so employees can manage all of their health data through one smartphone app or website.

See the full article: “3 Ways to Create a Culture of Health and Wellness.”

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