Judgment Day

In May 2022, a judge at the U.S. District Court in Texas ruled that IBM had breached a 2015 licensing agreement signed with a competitor, BMC Software Inc., awarding BMC ...

Weathering the Reinsurance Reset in the Midwest

In his more than quarter-century career as a reinsurance broker representing the mutual insurance market, the January 1, 2023, property reinsurance renewals stand out in Josh Knapp's memory as a day ...

Chief Risk Officers Take on Gen AI

When Generative AI burst onto the scene at the end of 2022, users gushed about the automatic content creation, greater productivity, and some funny or disturbing ...

FTX Liability Tentacles Spread Far

As the spectacle knowingly or unwittingly orchestrated by Sam Bankman-Fried, cofounder of bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX Trading and cryptocurrency trading firm ...