How Insurers Can Harness the Power of AI

There is a lot of talk about the insurance industry being slower to adopt new technologies such as artificial intelligence, but Counterpart CEO Tanner Hackett and Socotra ...

To the Moon and Back: Space Tourism and Insurance

Space tourism, or human space travel for recreational purposes, is in its early days. For insurers, this means it's an emerging business that most aren't ready to tackle yet. Neil Stevens, senior ...

Which Came First, the Cyber Chicken or the Cyber Egg?

One of the biggest challenges for cyber insurers isn't predicting when an act of cyber war could occur but figuring out how to define cyber war in the first place.

Rounding a Corner With Insurance Talent

One of my favorite places to visit when I'm in Manhattan is Hudson River Park. The waterfront pathway bends in several spots, and with the right timing, you can catch ...