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Crop insurance was once a sector full of smaller players, but an M&A-driven push for efficiency and scale has left it dominated by fewer and larger carriers, and Conning predicts a continuation ...
Everest Re Group, Ltd. plans to sell its U.S. crop insurance subsidiary, but still keep a hand in the business through reinsurance. The deal, announced July 25, calls for CGB Diversified Services ...
Cargill Inc. agreed to sell its crop insurance unit, the latest move by the giant U.S. agricultural commodity trader and producer to reshape its business amid low crop prices. The insurance operation ...
Deere & Co., the world's largest manufacturer or agricultural machinery, agreed to sell its crop insurance segment to Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Co. of Iowa, retreating from a business that ...
Deere & Co., the world's largest maker of agricultural equipment, hired Citigroup Inc. to look at strategic options for its crop insurance unit as it sells assets to focus on core businesses such ...
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