Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) is now offering customizable insurance that protects U.S. businesses when faced with loss related to terrorism and political violence both at home and overseas.

The coverage includes a broader definition of what constitutes a terrorist incident, supported by an established local team of experts. The enhanced policy guidelines cover incidents committed by a single attacker or group, acting alone or on behalf of an organization for political, religious or ideological reasons. U.S. government certification is not required for the event to be recognized as an act of terrorism.

“Denial of access” extensions are available to cover loss sustained when access to property is prevented due to a lockdown by civil and/or military authorities. Extensions for “customers and suppliers” are also offered to cover indirect losses in the form of delays in delivery or receipt of goods from suppliers.

Policies can be customized to address the following risk areas: standalone terrorism and sabotage, strikes, riots and/or civil commotion, full political violence (including war), terrorism liability, event cancellation (including threat) as well as NBCR attacks (nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological. Limits, deductibles and sublimit amounts are also customizable.

AGCS’s Terrorism/Political Violence offering is part of the Crisis Management product range, which also provides insurance and services for product recall and contamination, crisis management scenarios, and hostile environments. AGCS also offers its clients crisis management assistance services on a 24/7 basis, regardless of location, through its partner company red24.

Source: AGCS

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