Generali’s travel insurance arm is coming out with three new coverage plans, plus its first direct-to-consumer travel insurance website. XL Catlin has come out with a new policy form to address the expanding exposures of cyber & technology risk.


Generali Global Assistant’s Travel Insurance Arm, formerly CSA Travel Protection, launched three new coverage plans. In a related move, the company also launched its first direct-to-consumer travel insurance website.

The new plans, shaped by consumer input include access to General Global Assistance’s network of 425,000 medical providers; trip cancellation coverage that can cover if family members who are not traveling become sick or injured. Policies also include medical expense service with a No Out-of-Pocket Medical that can arrange a traveler’s appointment and pay up front for acute treatments up to $1,000 if the insureds get sick or injured while traveling.

Generali said the plans also include identity theft resolution services, Teladoc (virtual doctor) services, and concierge services.

Meanwhile, the new Generali Global Assistance Travel Insurance consumer website helps consumers with research, buying or servicing of their policies. Customers can access it from any device to get plan information, a booking engine, travel resource information or claim submission tools.


XL Catlin launched CyberRiskConnect, a new policy form to address the expanding exposures of cyber & technology risk.

CyberRiskConnect coverage stipulations include:

  • All third party insuring agreements now provide expanded coverage for wrongful acts committed by rogue employees, outsourced providers and third parties for whose third party wrongful act an insured is legally responsible.
  • Business interruption coverage applies after a waiting period while extra rxpense is excess of a dollar retention.
  • The reimbursement period for losses arising from a data breach or cyber-security breach is 18 months.
  • Unlimited reimbursement period for loss of business income. Expanded definition of “outsourced provider” to include any third party contracted to perform any business service on behalf of an insured company.

CyberRiskConnect provides broad coverage for data protection and privacy risks, both for third-party claims and first-party mitigation costs following a technology or cyber event. It is tailored for businesses across various industries and technology companies. Several breach preparedness tools are available via XL’s online resource site as well as through XL Catlin’s preferred vendor network.

Sources: Generali, XL Catlin

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