The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF), a nonprofit organization funded by the insurance industry and focused on community-based philanthropy across the United States, has announced the latest addition to its conference series—the 2014 IICF Women in Insurance Regional Forums, to be held this June in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Dallas.

The Women in Insurance Regional Forums are designed to provide an environment for insightful discussions surrounding gender diversity in insurance, women’s leadership in the industry and the changing workforce of the future.

Each conference will feature a unique slate of premier speakers and breakout sessions designed to engage and enlighten attendees. The forums will also provide opportunities for participants to build strong regional networks and individual connections.

The forums will take place in major metropolitan areas located within the IICF’s key regions:

  • June 3, Midwest Regional Forum: Chicago
  • June 12, Western Regional Forum: Los Angeles
  • June 17, Northeast Regional Forum: New York
  • June 19, Texas/Southeast Regional Forum: Dallas

Registration to each regional forum is now open. The IICF will be providing continuous updates regarding event speakers and information specific to each event on its dedicated conference series microsite:

The conference series began with the Women in Insurance Global Conference in New York, which took place in 2013 and drew more than 425 attendees from organizations across the world. Another global conference is being planned for June 2015.

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