Content from Joseph Bracken
Joseph Bracken is Vice President of Product Management for Enservio, a provider of contents claim management software, payments solutions, inventory and valuation services for property insurers.

Competing in the Digital Age Starts With Collaboration
There's a lot of discussion about the disruptive impact of the technology revolution. Many companies are scrambling to deploy new technology tools that will help them compete and meet shifting ...
Intelligent Claims Outsourcing: 3 Skill Sets Required
In 2013, a cluster of tornadoes struck Moore, Okla., in the most damaging lineup since Joplin, Mo., two years prior. Meanwhile, in Cincinnati, a 1905 Tiffany Studios Daffodil lampshade fetched a ...
How ‘Prosumers’ and More Can Help Insurers Embrace the Digital World
Major shifts in technology and the way we do business are bringing fresh pressures to bear across the business world. Consumer expectations are shifting. Everyone has to raise their digital game or ...