Content from Dan Epstein
Dan Epstein is Chief Executive Office of ReSource Pro, a global provider of operational solutions for insurance organizations. After joining ReSource Pro as Vice President of Business Development in 2005, Epstein became CEO just a year later, leading it from a small startup to a company with 8,000 employees in delivery centers in the U.S., China and India. Epstein has degrees from Columbia Business School and the London School of Economics, served in the military in the Israel Defense Forces, conducted economic research in East Africa, performed international trade work in the U.S. House of Representatives, and served as Vice Chair on the board of the World Future Society. Reach him at Dan@ReSourcePro.com.

CEO Reflections: Business Lessons From COVID-19, One Year Later
If COVID-19 has taught us any important business-related lesson in 2020, it is the importance of being agile. More than a mere business practice, this agile philosophy of quickly adapting to ...
InsurTechs Will Not Shape the Industry’s Future Alone
InsurTech was once the Wild West of the insurance industry. Many of InsurTech's early players came from outside insurance after observing the industry struggle to deliver what was, in their view, a ...
Write Here, Right Now: How AI Can Amplify Your Business Results
Here's something we typically hear from frustrated underwriting managers:• "We bind around 12 percent of our submissions, but our underwriters review 100 percent of ...