Content from Claire Wilkinson
Claire Wilkinson is a writer, editor and communications consultant. She can be found on Twitter @clairewwrites.

Change Management: A Guide for Leaders
Successful corporate transformations are hard to pull off. For CEOs and senior executives trying to lead and drive change initiatives within their companies, the odds of success appear to be stacked ...
Leading the Hidden Piece of the Lloyd’s Market
Big data and analytics have become insurance industry buzzwords in recent years, but for Helen Crooks, chief data officer at Lloyd's of London, data has been a longtime passion and has defined her ...
Leading a Technology Company: A New Challenge for Insurance Carrier Execs
YouTube videos featuring insurance company chief executives can be revealing. Take the comments of Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte on his recent listening tour published to the group's YouTube channel Nov. ...
Embracing Mindfulness: Conquering Cognitive Overload in a Hyper-Digital World
Insurance leaders play a key role in building resilience by helping communities to mitigate the impacts of climate change, disaster and many other global risks. But in today's disruptive, ...