Insuring Shared Value


How Insurers Gain Competitive Advantage by Better Addressing Society’s Needs:

Read this report to gain insight into the long term benefit of adopting shared value as a core business strategy.

“The insurance industry holds a vital role in local systems providing for health, safety, shelter, food, and financial security for clients experiencing increasingly longer lives, with a unique ability to monetize better societal outcomes. It is high time to use this powerful force for good and emulate what shared value pioneers like Discovery, BIMA, and Redwoods Group have achieved on a large scale, and turn the tide on stagnating industry growth and profitability.”

Shared value involves a move beyond the narrow internal focus on product and claims management to embrace an externally oriented approach that improves customer behavior, partners with relevant civil society actors, and advances public policy.

Download this report to learn how insurers are changing the world through shared value practices.