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Does your CEO sit in a wall-less office wearing blue jeans? Does your executive team encourage experimentation and out-of-the-box ideas?

Executive Summary

A group of entrepreneurial, open-minded, honest and tech-savvy individuals is prepared to step up to the plate and take on the leadership and responsibilities that the previous generations are leaving behind in the insurance industry. But the industry has some work to do to win the talent war by re-engaging Gen X—the forgotten solution sandwiched between boomers and millennials.

If so, you may already be experiencing the transformation of the industry through the emergence of Generation X leaders.

The face of today’s talent landscape has shifted as these Gen X leaders step into the forefront. This emergence is just in time, as the insurance industry confronts a raging war for talent and an increasingly aging workforce. Engaging and retaining this vital group of professionals is a growing talent mandate that the industry cannot afford to ignore. The call to action is real and pressing.

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