Nationwide Insurance: Using a Decade of Learnings to Create Next-Generation Telematics Solutions

November 28, 2023 by Kelly Hernandez and Matteo Carbone

Telematics insurance has traversed more than two decades, cycling through phases of curiosity, dedication and subsequent disappointment. Only recently has the U.S. auto insurance sector acknowledged its pivotal status as a fundamental capability within the personal auto line.

Executive Summary

Only recently has the U.S. auto insurance sector acknowledged the pivotal status of telematics as a fundamental capability within the personal auto line.

Here, Nationwide AVP Kelly Hernandez and CM Guest Editor Matteo Carbone review Nationwide's trailblazing efforts to offer UBI programs—and expand them beyond the discount-only pricing programs that once defined the space. Educating agents and impacting distracted driving behaviors along the way, the carrier is building off early learnings and successes to bring to market the next wave of telematics capabilities.

Executive Summary Only recently has the U.S. auto insurance sector acknowledged the pivotal status of telematics as a fundamental capability within the personal auto line.

Here, Nationwide AVP Kelly Hernandez and CM Guest Editor Matteo Carbone review Nationwide’s trailblazing efforts to offer UBI programs—and expand them beyond the discount-only pricing programs that once defined the space. Educating agents and impacting distracted driving behaviors along the way, the carrier is building off early learnings and successes to bring to market the next wave of telematics capabilities.

Telematics pioneers like Nationwide have successfully moved beyond the discount-only pricing programs that once defined the space to positively impact policyholder driving behaviors and start to reshape how we think about auto insurance.