The Value of Written Goals

January 20, 2023 by Marsha Egan

Want to be even better at achieving your goals?

Write them down.

Writing your goals is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your dreams and live a more fulfilling life. When you put your goals in writing, you are more likely to stick to them and take action towards achieving them. This is because writing down your goals makes them more concrete and helps you visualize your progress.

Consider these benefits:

Clarity. First, it helps you clarify your thoughts and ideas. By taking the time to write out your goals, you can better understand what you want to achieve and why it is important to you. This clarity can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, even when things get tough.

Organization. Second, writing down your goals can help you stay organized. When you have a clear set of goals in front of you, you can prioritize tasks and create a plan to achieve them. This can save you time and energy by helping you focus on the most important tasks first.

Accountability. Third, writing down your goals can help you hold yourself accountable. When you have a written record of your goals, it is easier to track your progress and see how far you have come. This can be a great source of motivation and can help you stay on track when you feel like giving up.

Writing your goals is an important step in the goal-setting process because it helps you clarify your desires and focus your efforts on what you want to achieve. By writing your goals, you can clearly articulate your intentions and create a roadmap for achieving them. This can help you stay motivated and on track, as well as hold yourself accountable for your progress.

And as a reminder, most successful people focus on having SMART goals.

One effective way to write goals is to use the SMART criteria, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let’s take a closer look at each of these elements and how they can help you write effective goals.

Specific: A specific goal is one that is clear and well-defined. It should be specific enough that you know exactly what you are working towards and why. So instead of setting a general goal like “I want to lose weight,” a specific goal would be “I want to lose 10 pounds by my daughter’s wedding.”

Measurable: A measurable goal includes a way to track your progress and determine whether you are on track to achieve it. For example, in the goal above, the measure of success is losing 10 pounds. That measurable target allows you to determine whether you are making progress towards your goal.

Achievable: An achievable goal is one that is realistic and attainable given your current circumstances and resources. While it’s important to challenge yourself and stretch your capabilities, setting an unrealistic goal can lead to frustration and disappointment. For example, a goal like “I to lose 10 pounds in one week” may not be achievable or realistic.

More From Marsha Egan

Marsha Egan is a regular contributor to Carrier Management. Some of her most popular articles include:

Relevant: A relevant goal is one that aligns with your values, interests, and long-term goals. It should be something that is important to you and that you are willing to put in the effort to achieve. This can help you to stay motivated and engaged in the process.

Time-bound: A time-bound goal includes a specific deadline for when you want to achieve it. This can help you stay focused and ensure that you are making progress towards your goal in a timely manner. For example, in the goal above, the time-bound element is “by my daughter’s wedding.” There is no doubt about what that date is.

In summary, writing your goals using the SMART criteria can help you clarify your desires, focus your efforts, and stay motivated and on track towards achieving them. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, you can create a roadmap for success and hold yourself accountable for your progress.

The act of writing down your goals is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your dreams and live a more fulfilling life. By clarifying your thoughts, staying organized, and holding yourself accountable, you can make steady progress towards achieving your goals. So, it is very important to write your goals and use SMART criteria to make them effective and achievable.