CSAA Seeking Permanent Replacement for Resigning CEO Troy

August 21, 2023

CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA insurer, announced that Tom Troy, president and CEO, is resigning to pursue other opportunities.

CSAA’s board appointed Mike Zukerman to serve as interim CEO.

Zukerman has served as CSAA Insurance Group’s executive vice president and chief legal officer for 12 years and has a deep understanding of insurance and CSAA’s business, the company said. His career includes experience serving in multiple leadership roles with technology companies and insurers.

While the change is effective immediately, Troy will remain until September 15 to support the transition.

CSAA noted that under Troy’s leadership, CSAA Insurance Group returned to profitability for four consecutive years, grew direct written premium by 21 percent, maintained an industry-leading net promoter score, enhanced technical capabilities and launched new business lines and products to support the evolving needs of AAA Members

“Under his leadership, the company transformed the way it manages product, technology and services and this legacy will serve as the new foundation for the future of the company,” CSAA said in a media statement.

Mary Hennessy, chair of the board of directors, said that Troy’s leadership and vision for CSAA’s future “reset the bar,” leaving the company with “a new sense of optimism for our future.” Hennessy noted the leadership bench strength of the company and expressed confidence in Zukerman’s ability to Mike to lead the organization as the board works to identify permanent leadership.

Source: CSAA Insurance Group