Incompetent Bosses: Study Says Responses to Them Vary by Age

June 13, 2023

A new study from the Tippie College of Business finds that workers respond differently to incompetent bosses, depending on whether they are younger or older than themselves.

Michele Williams, professor of management and entrepreneurship at Tippie and study co-author, surveyed hundreds of professional workers in the United States and China. Some were asked about their perceptions of their actual supervisor at work; others were given a hypothetical situation that involved an incompetent supervisor and asked how they would respond.

The survey responses found that:

She said this rationalization is to their own long-term disadvantage.


“For these employees, the better moves for their career may be to garner more resources and power or to seek alternative employment opportunities, rather than to justify a flawed system,” she said.

“Acknowledging one’s system as unfair may be a trigger for psychological discomfort, but can also be a catalyst for change.”

Source: University of Iowa Tippie College of Business