Leadership Tips: Forget Time Management; Learn to Master Your Attention

September 25, 2020

The key to productivity could be changing your focus from time management to learning to master your attention. Showing gratitude may boost your emotions—and your immune system. Sometimes you need to hit the pause button to refocus and re-energize. Here are some tips from the experts:


Manage your attention. Want to be more productive? You may need to reframe your thinking. Rather than trying to manage your time more efficiently, focus on mastering your attention—making a conscious decision about when, and on what, you choose to concentrate. And that starts with understanding the four quadrants of attention.

Attention management is being able to recognize which of these categories you are currently in and then consciously shifting to the stage that will best serve you in the moment. If you need to get work done but keep getting interrupted, the best thing to do is set boundaries and control your environment. Tell people you need some interruption-free time to focus, and consider choosing a “don’t bother me” signal as a reminder—put up a Do Not Disturb sign, put on headphones, close the door to your office.

To create a truly distraction-free environment, you also need to control your technology. That means going offline or at least turning off your notifications so every ping, ring and banner doesn’t snatch your attention.

Source: “Forget Time Management—Attention Management Is the Better Path to Productivity,” Real Simple, June 18, 2020


Show gratitude. Research shows that grateful people experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better and even have stronger immune systems.

How can you become more grateful?

Source: “How to Find Thanks and Gratitude,” Jesse Lyn Stoner on Leadership, November 2019


Take a pause. Human beings aren’t meant to go full speed all the time. Sometimes you need to hit the pause button.

Taking regular breaks during the work day and going on vacation can help you refresh and re-energize. Counting to 10 before you act can give you time to process your thoughts and emotions—and could keep you from making a rash decision.

Source: “The Power of the Pause,” Wally Bock’s Three Star Leadership, Sept. 3, 2020