Leaders Can Accomplish More by Doing Less

February 10, 2020

It seems contradictory, but leaders can actually get more done by doing less.

That’s a central argument in a recent posting at the Let’s Grow Leaders blog.

That decision to do less is part of a process of sifting out things that aren’t helping to complete a task or project. According to the blog posting, this involves leaders and their teams taking time to evaluate what’s not working and what has to go, and what can be done to improve things.

Once those decisions are made, the idea is to “resist the urge to re-schedule that time” freed up by that exercise.

By keeping the task on track after sifting out all the excess, unneeded things, leaders and their teams can recharge creatively and solve problems and tasks better, according to the posting.

The full posting by author David Dye – “Practical Help for Exhausted Leaders Who Need to Get More Done” – can be accessed at this link.