Talk to Yourself First Before Chatting With a Boss With Whom You Disagree

July 31, 2019

It goes without saying that executives and employees alike don’t always agree with their bosses, a reality that can lead to anger and resentment. A new blog posting suggests employees should talk to themselves first before chatting with the boss in order to gain perspective and keep the relationship healthy.

“Start with your own confidence and humility – confidence to stand up for what matters and humility to recognize that you don’t know what you don’t know (and you’re not as perfect a leader as you might feel),” the posting from the Lets Grow Leaders blog recommends.

While having this conversation in your head, the recommendation is to focus on results and relationships, with an eye on building the relationship in a way that can produce results that matter. Practicing this conversation internally before having it verbally can keep the boss/employee dynamic rational and functioning well, the blog posting argues.

“Reminding yourself that there’s always another side to the conversation and that you don’t have all the information helps to lessen the grip of strong emotions,” the posting asserts.

The alternative to not talking to the boss, even if the employee/manager disagrees with him or her, can leave that person isolated or without influence to get the job done.

“Speaking up can be a career-building move when you do it well,” the posting notes.

The full posting – “How to Talk With Your Boss When You Totally Disagree” – can be accessed at this link.