Research & Trends: Keys to Process Optimization

December 6, 2018 by Pamela Simpson

We welcome NetClaim to Research & Trends this week with two papers on FNOL, that together offer a very compelling reason to take notice of your current intake process.

NetClaim states, “Even small improvements in intake can have a multiplier effect, delivering efficiencies throughout the operation.” – think what that statement means when an estimated 80% of the claim information is received at intake.

Read these two papers in combination:

Improving Loss Ratio by Optimizing First Notice of Loss offers succinct steps toward optimization of FNOL and the resulting benefits.

The FNOL Innovation Report offers results from a carrier survey supporting the need for greater efficiencies and accuracy in the intake process. Combined, these offer cohesive support to strive for improvements in intake in 2019.

Should these reports inspire you to dive deeper, check out our entire library of whitepapers and studies on Claims, available on Research & Trends.