New Technologies Improving Hurricane Mitigation and Building Resiliency

November 9, 2016 by David Keeton and Michael Young

New technological developments are now poised to reduce the likelihood of hurricane wind damage and to improve our understanding of the impact hurricanes have on existing building inventory. These innovative technologies combine to improve building sustainability and provide cost-efficiency comparisons across a wider range of mitigation strategies. Executive SummaryBringing together the new hurricane mitigation technologies and modeling science, AeroEdge USA and Risk Management Solutions studied three property loss mitigation strategies, finding that aerodynamic roof edging typically reduces more losses than other strengthening options (new roofing, new opening protection) across several different construction-occupancy combinations for both commercial and residential buildings. Results are presented here.

Executive Summary

Bringing together the new hurricane mitigation technologies and modeling science, AeroEdge USA and Risk Management Solutions studied three property loss mitigation strategies, finding that aerodynamic roof edging typically reduces more losses than other strengthening options (new roofing, new opening protection) across several different construction-occupancy combinations for both commercial and residential buildings. Results are presented here.

Mitigation: The Only Way to Reduce Risk of Loss

It’s no secret that the U.S.—and Florida, in particular—has experienced a lull in hurricane landfalls since 2005. During this time, the insurance and reinsurance market has undergone an excessive softening period. Despite the fact that hurricane risk has remained fairly constant, as shown by more recent events, premium rates have plummeted due to the influx of financial capital overflow from an uncharacteristically soft stock market.

Without real risk reduction, premium rates will continue to fluctuate based on market volatility and not the actual underlying hurricane risk. The only proven and sustainable way to reduce both risk and premium rates is through mitigation.