The Next Frontier: Praedicat Soaring Into Liability Cat-Modeling Space

May 4, 2015 by Robert T. Reville

For insurers today, emerging risks are like comets were to the ancients: harbingers of doom of mysterious origin.

Executive Summary

Praedicat CEO Robert T. Reville discusses the genesis of his company and its focus on liability catastrophes. He also describes how the company approaches innovation as it works to release a cloud-based liability catastrophe portfolio modeling platform, Oortfolio.
Executive SummaryPraedicat CEO Robert T. Reville discusses the genesis of his company and its focus on liability catastrophes. He also describes how the company approaches innovation as it works to release a cloud-based liability catastrophe portfolio modeling platform, Oortfolio.

The Romans thought the gods sent a comet to mark the passing of Julius Caesar. Today, scientists have revolutionized our understanding of comets, and we now know they are ice balls that originate in the outer reaches of our solar system. Not so scary anymore.