Do You Have the Vision to Innovate?

January 16, 2014 by Erin Hamrick

Google the term “insurance innovation” and you’ll get over 38,000 results.

Executive Summary

How can you innovate when you are tired of hearing the word? Given the challenges of today's insurance market, carriers and brokers know that their future success is tied to innovation. But when setting up the whiteboard and brainstorming aren't getting it done, maybe different perspectives are needed, says Erin Hamrick, an executive recruiting specialist for the insurance industry.

Probably not surprising, and as you would expect, the results are everything from an actual domain name to consulting groups espousing their ability to transform an insurance company to be innovative. Executive SummaryHow can you innovate when you are tired of hearing the word? Given the challenges of today’s insurance market, carriers and brokers know that their future success is tied to innovation. But when setting up the whiteboard and brainstorming aren’t getting it done, maybe different perspectives are needed, says Erin Hamrick, an executive recruiting specialist for the insurance industry.