Move Over Saudi Arabia; U.S. To Lead In Oil Production, Hartwig Says

February 19, 2013 by Susanne Sclafane

Commercial insurers scoping out industries and regions with the most economic growth potential should look to the energy sector and the Dakotas to boost their top lines, an insurance industry economist suggested recently.Executive SummaryThe United States is poised to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil production within the decade, steering savvy p/c carriers toward the energy sector for growth opportunities.

Executive Summary

The United States is poised to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil production within the decade, steering savvy p/c carriers toward the energy sector for growth opportunities.

“The United States is going to overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer by the year 2020,” Robert Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute reported, referring to the effects of “the revolution in hydro-fracking.”