DCC Survey Format; Participant Profile

February 12, 2015

Nearly 500 agency representatives (493) responded to the survey that asked three basic questions:

The typical agency representative responding to the survey is over 40 years of age and is a principal or producer of a firm that employs 20 people or less.

Profile, Age and Role with gray boxes removed

A breakdown by individual profile characteristic follows.

About Deep Customer Connections

Deep Customer Connections is a consulting and research firm dedicated to helping carriers make it easier for agents to do business with them. On behalf of carrier clients, the firm surveys the carrier’s agency partners to deliver insights on where carriers exceed their competitors in terms of ease of doing business, and where they need to improve.

In January 2014, DCC released its latest biannual list of top 10 carriers from a compilation of nearly 7,000 agent surveys conducted on behalf of carriers, ranking the carriers based on 11 performance metrics. See related article, “The Results Are In: Agents Rate the Top 10 P/C Carriers.”